Welcome to Evangel Christian School for school year 2024-2025. It is my pleasure to serve as principal and superintendent of the school.
The purpose of my letter is to share the vision, mission, theme, curriculum updates, introduce staff and share organizational updates to enhance your child’s experience at Evangel.
The VISION of Evangel Christian School is: To empower students to become creative, responsible, and independent thinkers equipped with solid Christian principles and values in order to exhibit and utilize 21st century skills as they become global learners and leaders in a technological society.
The MISSION is: Evangel Christian School is committed to empowering, encouraging, and equipping ALL students to be Christ-like, compassionate, self-motivated lifelong learners.
The THEME is: God's Doing A New Thing (Isaiah 43:19) Create A Path On HIS Horizon.
First Day of School:
The first day of school is August 7, 2024.
School Hours for Grades K-6 are 8:20AM to 3:00PM daily.
School Hours for Grades 7-12 are 8:00AM to 2:30PM daily.
Day includes core academic subjects, a 30-minute lunch, recess for elementary students and study hall/tutorial time built in for high school.
The SY 24-25 School Calendar is posted here on the Evangel School website. Please note that in the event of inclement weather, we will move to online learning. All students are expected to follow the instructions given by the teachers who will use FACTS to post assignments. Evangel School's closings will be included on WDRB and WAVE 3. You may also receive an email with the closing information.
CURRICULUM UPDATES are as follows:
The elementary school will use Benchmark AdvancED, Houghton Mifflin Into Math curriculum, and elements of the Abeka Curriculum to encourage critical thinking skills strategies. Collectively, the elementary teachers will work in a concerted effort to provide a Biblical focus where students learn about God’s creation and salvation through His Son, Jesus. The elementary team will provide more information on the instructional focus and communication of your child’s overall development in the learning process.
The middle/high school will use part of the ABEKA series as they focus on National Standards with an emphasis on preparatory strategies for post high school work. The Principal & Dean of Students will assist in the development of graduation plans, grade monitoring and individual and group counseling sessions. They will also work to prepare students for assessments such as the PSAT, SAT, and ACT.
Academic Staff:
Mrs. Laura Reel - Teacher
Mrs. Darlean Poe - Teacher
Mrs. Vivian Miller - Paraprofessional
Middle and High School:
Mr. Larry Miller - Teacher
Mr. John Mueller - Teacher
Mr. Jonah Rawal - Teacher
Pastor Joe Washington - Dean of Students & Worship Leader
Support Staff:
Ms. Mandy Bell - Administrative Assistant
Parent Advisory Board:
The organization of a Parent Advisory Board is needed to support the work of classroom teachers, fundraisers, and general overall support of student needs. The PAB will meet quarterly to develop operating guidelines for the PAB, work on fundraisers and serve to support classroom teachers. A message will be sent home with the date and time for the first meeting. All are welcome to attend!
Parent/Student handbooks are active on the site. The students will have an opportunity to review the handbook during school.
Restorative Justice Practices/Discipline Approach:
The school will be using Restorative Justices Practices coupled with a discipline approach that is biblically based. This process will be taught to every staff member, student, and parents/guardians. The goal is to have sound structure based on a discipline plan that holds a person accountability for the choices made, and as a person is held accountable, we seek to restore that person by using natural, sensible consequences to match the undesired behavior. We seek to avoid punitive consequences and operate out of the love of Jesus for every individual.
Managing Concerns/Complaints:
The goal is to always listen and support each child/each home. To provide the best solution to all concerns, please use this process to address an item at the lowest level. I’ve shared this approach with Pastors ‘Bob and Margaret Rodgers, Senior Pastors of Evangel World Prayer Center, so everyone understands how we want to manage all concerns. Begin with the teacher…if your concern is not resolved, move to the Lead Teacher followed by the principal/Superintendent. If a resolution is not found, the school board chairperson, Mr. Kevin McKnight, will hear all concerns that are not resolved by me. If he deems anything has not been resolved, he will conference with the senior pastors immediately.
First Week of School:
Students will engage in completing initial grade level assessments, learning routines, reviewing safety procedures, and working on graduation plans. They will also review technological guidelines and procedures and begin working on designing STEM/STEAM education projects—learning the process associated with critical thinking skills.
Finally, it is my pleasure to serve as the Superintendent/Principal of Evangel Christian School.
Always remember to “Do all things in love!”
Youlanda C. Washington
Superintendent/Principal, Evangel Christian School